Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Dont Quit Your Day Job

So I quit my day job. It was only a part time job making flower arrangements, but it took up a lot of my time. I'm in a transition period between my college student life and my big-girl life. I still have another part-time job as an art instructor, but that is something I love doing. Since quitting Ive really stepped up my commission game, which is what makes me money. Not working also gives me time to paint a lot more and I can work at all kind of of strange vampire hours like 10pm-5am.

I had some paintings hanging up for a show at the local tattoo shop and I sold a few paintings. Hopefully if all goes well I will have a little show with more of my paintings to hang up there. So I am trying to build a larger body of work to fill the gallery space.  These are just what I have been working on lately.

In addition to my female portraits, I have been working on some animal portraits. I painted two puppies for my girlfriends dad who had cancer. Those puppies are basically my niece and nephew. Since everyone loves their pet, I have a few commissions of dogs for the holiday season.

That is what has been going on in my life as of lately. I dedicate this post to the furnace guy that I had to wait for. If it wasn't for him, I probably would have wrote this post.  Too bad we have to buy a new furnace now.








