Saturday, August 25, 2012

Childrens Stories Paintings

Here are two paintings Ive recently done. I've been on a children stories kick lately and I love it. Stories were just so much better in the early 1900s. The Velveteen Rabbit was one of my favorite stories. I even had my own velveteen rabbit. The quote is just heartbreaking. "Once you are Real you can't become unreal again. It lasts for always." I love it. Its also harder to paint simplistically than full of detail. Well, at least for me.  The second painting is from Beatrix Potter. I've read lots of her other stories but never "The Tale of Mr. Jeremy Fisher".  I can read one sentence and immediately be connected to those words. "Once upon a time there was a frog called Mr.Jeremy Fisher; he lived in a little damp house amongst the buttercups at the edge of a pond."  That is how CONSIDER MY DEAR blog came to be! Thank you "Through the Looking Glass"!

I start school in a little over a week. I hope Ill have a few more paintings for you. Then you will get to see my school work.


Happy Birthday!

Yesterday, August 24th, was my 25th birthday!  I painted my nails in the style of "birthday nails". I think they look so pretty. The day consisted of Mike and I doing so errands. I went and picked up my bridesmaid dress. Came home and ate my favorite meal, chicken cacciatore, I call it red chicken. My cake was the most beautiful cake I've ever seen. My mom made it and Ive been oogling over it all day. I got some awesome presents, one will be a future tattoo, like tradition. Tonight I'm having a birthday bonfire on this 100 degree hot day. Oh well. It will cool down later tonight. All my favorite people with be there. I cant wait!

I also found out I share a birthday with Ron Weasley, the actor not the character. Pretty Cool!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

New Buffalo

Mike and I went to New Buffalo Michigan ...... in June. These are a long time coming then. It is our tradition after we get out of school in the summer to go and have a picnic. Its about and hour and a half drive and we always get a little lost. This time it was is a scary part of Indiana. We always bring yummy food and eat egg salad sandwiches. It was a perfect day with no clouds in the sky. We never go when its warm enough to swim. Some people were swimming though. Cant wait to go again.

This is the first  bit of beach glass I've ever found. A very proud moment for me. 

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Watercolor Wedneday

I'm going to start something new.  Everyone knows I love watercolor. I want you all to see what I see. I'm going to feature watercolor paintings that inspire me to no end. I cant wait!  ENJOY!

 Artist: Braden Duncan

Why: I love the splatters first of all. Its exactly opposite of my work, unfortunatly. I wish I worked more wet and wet also.  Birds and cats have to be my favorite thing to paint. The birds are so tectonically beautiful!  The cats have so many layers of colors in them.


This is not watercolor but oil paint. It is too amazing to pass up and looks just like Nala.