Saturday, April 10, 2010

Day Ten

Day 10 — A photo of you taken over ten years ago.
These are around 1990-91, I was 3 or 4. 
I was cute :)


  1. Aw--I love your ruffly swimsuit! I want one in my size! haha, and the sundae?! Too cute!

  2. Oh wow! I am so glad that you found my blog! Reading your profile we have sooo much in common that is ridiculous!
    And my boyfriend went to the Academy (well, until he dropped out) and I went to Columbia (for photography)
    (and I am totally gay for Miss Palmer!)
    I think I could go on and on about this things we have in common and I REALLY love you "ill probably disagree with everything you believe in" quote- that totally sounds like me!
